Hello GSSP Community, I am Sarah

I write this post today to help you learn a little bit about me.
When I was young, I told myself that I would never work in an office, that I would always have control over my time, and that I would find work that served a greater good. I remember my mother saying that I would be so lucky if indeed, I find work like that.
Decades have passed since then, and I can say with confidence that I have achieved my childhood dream. Aside from a short stint as a coach at a call center, I have spent most of my life working in organizations dedicated to societal transformation. I am blessed to have found jobs that have helped expand my understanding of what it means to live and to be human. I am grateful to have met inspiring people who taught me that every single day we wake up is a new opportunity to make life better for future generations.
Today, I sound like an idealist, but I wasn’t always like this. There was a time when I was a pessimist when I thought everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In recent years, I have considered myself a realist – things will happen as they will, and we simply have to deal with them. But I also learned that everything that happens, happens for a reason. I have learned that every challenge is a message, an opportunity to pay attention. And I have found that when I pay attention, I will always discover new things I never thought possible.
But these days, I think that how we deal with “stuff” is even more important than the outcome of our actions. “Am I doing this out of obligation? Or out of hope? Am I doing this because I believe that this makes a difference? Or because it simply needs to be completed? Can I make things better today?” These are questions I have to ask myself every day, to check where I am at and to align my daily intentions. Some days do not go well as planned, but I let it go. I have learned that the good and the bad days go hand-in-hand and that I derive great enjoyment from the good days because I had bad days to contrast it to.
I say this because it’s been a difficult year for everyone. And these days, when I work for GSSP, I always ask myself how the farmers are. Do they still have enough food on the table? Are they still able to provide for their basic needs? How are their children coping up with school? How can I use my platforms to speak for their plight? How can I make things better for them?
So yes, this is me, albeit just a small part. And these are the questions that I bring with me.