Sherry Manning, Founder and CEO, Global Seed Savers
As 2024 draws to a close I wanted to share some of our highlights of the year and also express my deep gratitude to all who continue to support the growth and impact we are having at Global Seed Savers!
Our mission and work has never been more essential and we are implementing it in the ground zero country of these challenging intersections.The Philippines, is not only the most climate vulnerable nation in the world. Especially highlighted this year, when in October six typhoons alone hammered the island in less than one month. The Philippines is also SE Asia’s most food insecure nation. Despite these real and complex challenges, we continue to be emboldened by our shared understanding that SEEDS are the foundation of our food system. We cannot separate culture and identity from the art, act, and love of growing food. Seed Saving is an essential piece of this knowledge, and in order to build a resilient food system in these ever-changing times we have to return to this Indigenous wisdom. This is the work our team, partner farmers, communities, and each of you are supporting and investing in and we are proud to be shoulder to shoulder with you all making it happen.
I also could not be more proud of the Global Seed Savers Team and our dedicated partner farmers who helped us expand, deepen, and grow our work throughout this year. Prior to the Year End Holiday, we held our final all team meeting and spent time reflecting, setting intentions for the coming year, and sharing gratitude with each other. I have spent a lot of time this year reflecting on the transformative growth we have experienced as a team in the last few years. As some of you may remember, in 2020 we were a team of just 3 and are closing out 2024 with a dynamic growing team of 9 Filipino Team Members and myself and Anjanette, our Development and Marketing Manager here on the US side. This is quite transformative growth in a short period of time and has allowed our programs, capacity, and professionalization to take deep root. It takes dedicated, passionate, and hard working people to grow and build movements and we have some of the best in the world at Global Seed Savers!!
Maraming/Daghan Salamat for being with us as we all continue to Save Seeds. Grow Food. and Celebrate Heritage!
Here’s to all the coming year will bring, Seed Onwards!

Sherry Manning
Founder and CEO