Global Seed Savers recently partnered with the Social Action Center – Diocese of San Carlos City for an Educational Farm Tour at Arapal Farm in Bogo City, Cebu. During the tour, Harry led a detailed discussion on the full seed production process, from seed identification to proper storage techniques. This hands-on learning experience helped guests, including the newly hired VAC and visitors from DSAC San Carlos, understand the intricacies of seed production, while also rediscovering “extinct” seed varieties that had been overlooked for generations.

One of the highlights of the visit was the discussion around seed exchange, with participants showing interest in collaborating with GSS to share seeds and knowledge. The tour ended with positive feedback, as many attendees expressed their excitement to join future Seed School programs.

By creating space for these conversations, GSS continues to build a network of advocates committed to preserving local seed varieties and strengthening food security across the Philippines.

This on-site experience reinforced the importance of supporting communities and farmers through seed saving education. As one participant noted, the farm’s design and the dedication needed to preserve seeds highlighted the vital role of knowledge in achieving food sovereignty. By offering tours like this, GSS and partners are actively sowing the seeds for a sustainable and self-sufficient agricultural future, helping to protect the Philippines’ rich biodiversity!