Our Communications and Marketing Manager Sarah, along with 12 other participants from Olongapo, Las Pinas, Cavite, and Makati, attended the first section of the Natural Building Workshop hosted by Subli Farm in Batangas.
Subli Farm, which is managed by the family of Asha Peri, is a permaculture farm which follows the seed-to-table model of growing food. The farm is also the venue of the Ecology of Food courses which aims to teach participants how they can get the most life force and nutrition from their food while they balance the need for great tasting meals.
Asha and her mom Ludy (now 72) went to the Earth University at Navdanya in India in 2018. There, they learned from Dr. Vandana Shiva about the impact of GMOs on Indian Farming and made many parallels to the struggles Filipino Farmers face. From that point on, Asha became a kitchen activist, organizing events like the Food, Farming, Freedom course, which offered a new view on sustainable food for Filipinos.
At Subli farm, the yoga room, lecture room and the dormitory buildings are all built with earth materials and resources. The Natural Building Workshop is a renovation of their kitchen area. Sarah and other participants built benches for the dap-ay, two shelves for the music area and seed storage, and a wall to protect the area from the elements!
This event is a two part workshop. The first one that was just concluded taught participants how to mix the materials for earth building, how to build structures, and how to mold clay tiles.
The second part of this workshop (May 13-14, 2023) will be concentrated on wattle and daub (using bamboo as rebars for wall structures), plastering, and finishing with clay.
These skills are essential to sustaining environmental balance; where nature uplifts our spirits and surrounds us with a healthy future. There is so much we can do with these skills like maybe building a seed library made of earth or building resilient homes for our community!
“Earth is forgiving. Natural building takes time, but the output will also stand the test of time. With natural building, there is no waste. When it is time to tear down the structure you have built, everything goes back to the earth, or you can reuse it again for another structure.” – Sarah Sabado